New features
The most visible change is precisely… a visible change. The entire Git interface got a redesign. Not only to be closer to the defacto standard of GitHub (tree based view & co), but also to address usability and performance issues of the previous interface.
Pull Requests
Pull Requests also got redesigned and gain new features: side-by-side diff view, display of commits part of the Pull Request with Continuous Integration status, more underlying work on the storage of PRs and merge strategy definitions. [More details]({{ }}/user-guide/pullrequest.html).
Git Large File Storage (LFS)
Git LFS is now supported in standard to solve the issue of large file storage in Git. Tuleap provides a native implementation of LFS in Git and Pull Requests. [More details]({{ }}/user-guide/git.html?highlight=lfs).
Jenkins plugin
Integration with external tools is also better. We work collaboratively with the Orange team to release a dedicated Jenkins plugin for Tuleap "Organizations".
Documents – Under development (Tuleap Enterprise)
As for Git, we are working hard to provide a newest interface of the Document Manager. The work is not complete yet but the new interface had made considerable progress. Most users can safely rely on it for their day-to-day use.
The major changes, in addition to the whole new design, include the support of file drag’n drop, from the local machine to the server. Built on top of protocol, it allows to deal with very large files on flaky network quite easily because of the built-in support of upload resume.
The work will continue until the summer.
Agile Features
Visual management is made simpler with the ability to set a background color on cards. Background color is re-used everywhere a card is displayed : scrum cardwall, scrum planning, kanban board, tracker cardwall view. This is helpful in various use cases: identify what’s urgent, associate a color to a type of feature, distinguish the nature of actions, etc. It’s entirely in your hands to tailor it to your own needs. [More details]({{ }}/user-guide/agile-dashboard.html)
Tuleap Test Management (Tuleap Enterprise)
Test definitions can now be split in several steps for better readability and ease to pinpoint where failures occur. [More details]({{ }}/user-guide/testmanagement.html)
As usual trackers got their load of continuous improvements. To name a few:
- Artifacts can now be moved from one tracker to another, possibly across projects.
- Email notifications got reworked to limit the amount of message people receive on large projects.
- More and more things can be automated thanks to webhooks at artifacts’ creation and update.
- Tracker workflow has been reworked to ease setup and provides a revamped interface.
Timetracking (Tuleap Enterprise)
Timetracking comes with 2 new widgets:
- On your personal dashboard, you can display your <b>own working time<b> and how it has been spent as per your artifacts.
- On your personal dashboard as well, a new widget enables to track the amount of time spent by all teammates, across one or several trackers.
Discover all [Timetracking features]({{ }}/user-guide/timetracking.html)
Cross-tracker search (Tuleap Enterprise)
In Tuleap 11.0 you can export Cross-tracker search results for a complementary usage in Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice. Fields are exported using the duck-typing strategy to export as much information as possible. [More details]({{ }}/user-guide/portfolio.html)
Year-round there was a nearly invisible work (except the few bugs that popped here and there) to purge the code base from a huge technical debt. This purge has been done to move to a recent version of PHP (7.2) and to modernize the management of Tuleap external dependencies (using composer). This allowed to finalize the portage on RHEL7 and made the code base "future proof" for a rapid support of next PHP and RHEL versions.
Releases stats
Big shoutout to the 27 developers and doc editors that made the release:
- 1009 requests were Opened and 920 were Closed
- 8525 files changed, 395426 insertions(+), 280849 deletions(-)
- They made the release (number of commits, author, company)
- 1587 Thomas Gerbet, Enalean
- 1360 Marie Ange Garnier, Enalean
- 1174 Yannis ROSSETTO, Enalean
- 1017 Nicolas Terray, Enalean
- 780 Joris Masson, Enalean
- 443 Thomas Gorka, Enalean
- 359 Manuel VACELET, Enalean
- 98 Jean-Baptiste Mille, Sogilis
- 88 Benjamin Dauton, Enalean
- 57 Clarck Robinson, Enalean
- 52 Romain Lorentz, Enalean
- 48 Martin Goyot, Enalean
- 15 Sandra Echinard, Enalean
- 10 Thi Mai, Sogilis
- 9 Benjamin Bouillot, Enalean
- 7 Matthieu Monnier, Enalean
- 6 Oussama DELASSI
- 6 Jonathan Palm, Erisson
- 4 Aurélien TISNE, CS Group
- 2 Thomas Cottier, Enalean
- 1 Karim Beji, STMicroelectronics
- 1 Lydéric Dubut, Enalean
- 1 gamoudis, STMicroelectronics
- 1 hajjim, STMicroelectronics
- 1 Alexandre Franke, –
- 1 BiNZGi, –
- 1 Nicolas Ménétrier, Programme Vitam
Another big things to the 46 other people who took the time to report a bug in the meanwhile: alaney, auvraym, b2rn, benjamin_seed, catzilla, chewits, csousa, d00AK, droger, erick, gbonnefille, ggrelot, hammij, javerty, jod, joseph.guagenti, jpo38, julien.perochon, kirei, kmaccallum2000, lcharles, leewoc, lterekhov, matteo, maxkaha, mesulog, mherbst, mmehrwald, mmidy, m_mas, neehasa, nervov_fan, olivierd, pcar, s.lanigan.extel, sibio, sotola, sqad007, tcottier, terzino, teyssieuman, thoko, toben, vhemery, yaoxv, yurili, zbubric
What’s new since 10.11
Document Manager – Under development (Tuleap Enterprise)
- story #13039 Drag and drop on file create a new version
- story #13008 Explode route POST docman_items
- story #12453 Update document modal for files, embedded, wiki and links
The new Document Manager interface is now activated by default for the majority of projects.
In addition to this, you can now update all type of elements (new versions of wiki, links, files). For files the update can be done by drag’n drop from your local machine. You can drop either in the file list or on the "Quick look" pane on the right hand side.
Users can choose to switch back to the old interface if they prefer. We encourage people who switch back, to report us why they had to switch, so we can address the usability issues in a future release.
We also made the [first steps of the documentation]({{ }}/user-guide/document.html)
Fixed bugs & requests:
- request #13108 Drag and drop is not supported by IE 11
- request #13106 Document should be available on IE11
- request #13082 Broken action buttons in quicklook when user can’t write
- request #13074 Improper URL results to: "details§ion=notifications is not supported"
- request #13045 New docman interface crash
- request #13015 User should not be able to expand/collapse folder until it’s totally loaded
- request #13206 In new docman Ui we should have a link enabling user to drop item from old view
- request #13204 embedded should be clickable and redirect on legacy display
- story #13012 Remove trailing 0 of tracker float field
Float fields now display only the meaningful 0 in all artifacts display.
Fixed bugs & requests:
- request #13141 Velocity value msut be computed even if no workflow is set
- request #13140 Multiple values can be stored in DB for semantic velocity field
- request #13127 User can update an artifact keeping the same permission on artifact value
- request #13119 User can update an artifact keeping the same float value
- request #13117 User can update an artifact keeping the same integer value
- request #13102 Tracker follow-up comments: display changes with a lot of artifact links waste a lot of resources
- request #13096 Triggers are not applied
- request #13205 Workflow CI URL post actions should not allow whitespaces
- story #12813 upload files with FRS REST API
You can upload files in the FRS with the REST API. This upload is consistent with what was done for Documents, using protocol to properly manage large file upload.
The documentation was updated to show an [example of usage to upload files]({{ }}/user-guide/rest/tus.html). We strongly recommend to convert your existing delivery mechanism (FTP, SCP, SOAP) to this new REST endpoint. The other methods are now deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Tuleap.
PHP 7.3 support
- request #13168 Run SOAP test suite with PHP 7.3 in the nightly test run
- request #13166 Run REST test suite with PHP 7.3 in the nightly test run
- request #13157 Make sure code does not use deprecated PHP features
- request #13149 Remove all usages of the function crypt()
- request #13116 Run SimpleTest unit test suite with PHP 7.3 in the nightly test run
Backend framework
- request #13105 Convert TTM plugin to gettext
- request #13101 Convert OIDC plugin to gettext
- request #13088 Convert archivedeleteditems to gettext
- request #13065 Convert admindelegation to gettext
- request #13050 Convert pluginsadministration to gettext
- request #13013 Internal Tuleap API should not expose multiple ways to work with DB transactions
Tests and quality
- request #13124 Ensure no mock from Mockery are created in PHPUnit data providers
- request #13068 Start enforcing Tuleap PHP coding standard in CI pipelines
- request #13053 Setup code coverage for the PHPUnit unit tests test suite
- request #13049 Disallow jasmine bad practices with eslint
- request #13038 Introduce static analysis of the PHP codebase with vimeo/psalm
- request #12944 Restricted user tests should be done by cypress
Validation scores
Bug fix
- request #13198 REST endpoint GET /artifact_files/{id} does not verify all the artifact/tracker permissions
- request #13075 XSS via the URL parameter in the API Explorer
- request #13107 Git branch must be well displayed if it contains something like a sha1
- request #13024 Deleting a reference generates errors
- request #13159 "Full Installation" guide does not work properly on CentOS 7
- request #13094 logrotate complains about file mode of logrotate.d/tuleap_pullrequest
Archive deleted items
- request #13097 Artifact deletion or move should archive item only if archivedeleteditem plugin is installed
- request #13093 Ensure DB connection is still up after archiving an artifact before its deletion
Site home page
- request #12509 Have plateform statistics in home page
- request #13032 Drop legacy site home page
User experience & design
- request #13185 TLP radio and checkbox fields info should be under field label
- request #13150 New baseline icons
- request #13064 TLP alerts should always display an icon so color blind people see the difference
- request #13061 Remove extra space between project table dans tlp-tabs on project dashboard
- request #10008 BurningParrot: have a condensed mode
- request #13136 Using a reference with a description formatted like an internal reference generates a crash
- request #13111 User search in Tuleap global search is broken
- request #13110 Fulltext search plugin must be removed
- request #13099 Webhook at project activation can crash if no administrators has been chosen
- request #13092 XML project import no longer report parse errors
- request #13077 Link to tracker missing in Kanban configuration in French
- request #13076 I can no longer bind project members to a ldap group
- request #13066 Purge RSS that are exported by Tuleap
- request #13051 .mo files are not anymore generated
- request #11582 It’s no longer possible to select which categories are available at project creation