Tuleap team is really pleased to announce the new major version Tuleap 12. This release includes some new capabilities on quality topic, productivity and usability. What’s big? The new « Test Plan » feature, a seamless integration between Jenkins and Tuleap and an ease of navigation. Let’s go over the most important changes.

Awesome new features

New « Test Plan » (Tuleap Enterprise)

The new feature Test Plan is an extension of Tuleap Test Management that closes the gap with the Backlog and Planning management capability.
Test Plan provides an easy-to-use interface to associate test cases to the requirements and to schedule execution of those tests. Everything is available transparently in the milestone interface (releases, sprints, etc). This is really valuable for agile quality assurance and early testing.

New Test Plan feature for Milestones
New Test Plan feature for Milestones

In a nutshell, from the « Tests » tab of a Release, you will be able:

  • to define how the requirements that are being developed will be tested,
  • to build the test campaigns along the release progress,
  • to see the actual coverage of each requirements with a traceability matrix,
  • to export a report in the XLSX format for auditing/compliance purpose.

After having created or linked tests to requirements, the team can create a test campaign with all those tests in one click.

When the campaigns are completed, the team can observe how tests went regarding the requirements:

  • When all tests passed, the corresponding requirement is marked as passed
  • When at least one test failed, the requirement is marked as failed
  • When no failure but at least one blocked, the requirement is marked as blocked
  • And finally when no failure, no blocked but at least one test is not run, the requirement is marked as not run

For more information, you can dig into the documentation.

Create a test campaign with all the tests of a release
Create a test campaign with all the tests of a release
Coverage of requirements by tests after campaign
Coverage of requirements by tests after campaign

Layout and navigation overhaul

Tuleap 12.0 design for project dashboards
Tuleap 12.0 design for project dashboards

The two major changes you cannot overlook:

  • the font changed
  • the navigation bar (the one at top) is gone !

The first one might seems technical but it’s actually meant to provide a smoother experience for users as Tuleap now use the default font provided by your operating system instead of loading it’s own. In addition to looking more like the other apps on your computer, it also means one less asset to download for each user #MoreWithLess !

The second one, the big beast, has more impact in your everyday life: removal of the navigation bar.

So the first question you are likely to ask is « Where is my stuff ? ». It was moved in 2 places. Don’t worry, you will be happier after trying it.

On the top right there are:

  • « + New », introduced in 11.18, that provides a 1 click access to creation of new content as well as new projects.
  • « Projects… » that pops up a modal that groups the list of projects you are member of and the recently visited items.
  • Your avatar with access to your account settings, personal dashboards and logout.
  • On the bottom right there is the « ? » (or star) button to access documentation and… a new thing to discover.

Let’s start by a tour of the top right bar.

The « + New » button

By default, on any page of your project you will have access to « + New » button to create elements. Those elements are chosen by project administrators. At the time of writing, only Trackers can be promoted here. It’s also here that you will find the project creation access if you have the corresponding permissions.

The "+ New" menu provides a one click access to project's most frequent items created
The « + New » menu provides a one click access to project’s most frequent items created

The « Project… » button

The « Project… » button merges:

  • The list of projects
  • The list of items recently visited (mainly artifacts at the time of writing)
  • The global search (a button « Legacy search » appears as you type)

The list will be filtered as you type and you will be able to navigate with the keyboard between the elements.

"Projects..." modal window. Access to your projects, recent items and global search.
« Projects… » modal window. Access to your projects, recent items and global search.

Highlight & access to release note

Tuleap evolves fast and communication to the end users about the new features is hard. Starting Tuleap 12.0, at each platform upgrade users will be informed about a new release note to read with the « Star » menu at the bottom right hand side of the screen.

Once clicked, the star will be replaced by the default « ? » menu. In the menu, there is direct access to this very release note.

On the bottom right hand side, the « ? » menu becomes an highlighted star
Release note menu
Release note menu

If site administrators are not happy with the release note provided on tuleap.org, they can change the link toward a release note they crafted themselves:

Site administrators redefines the Release Note link
Site administrators redefine the Release Note link

As you might have noticed, without navigation bar, the name of the project is no longer displayed when you browse with the sidebar collapsed. In this situation, the breadcrumb at the top will be prepended with the project name:

Project name appears at the beginning of the breadcrumb
Project name appears at the beginning of the breadcrumb

Site administration access

There is a « gears » button in front of the « + New » button that gives Site administration access:

This screenshot also highlight the redesign of the personal dashboards. It’s not limited to site administrator.

Site administration access and personal dashboard refreshed
Site administration access and personal dashboard refreshed

Trackers & artifacts

The old « gray » toolbar is gone, the corresponding actions are accessible from the breadcrumb.

In addition to that, the « + New » menu is contextual. When you are in a tracker (report table, artifact view, etc) it will propose to create element within this tracker even if its not a promoted one:

On the report page, the creation of a new element is now a primary action with a dedicated button

The homepage of tracker service got a small redesign as well (it’s cute but doesn’t deserve a screenshot, there are already too many on this page 😄)

In the epic tracker, I can create epics via + New even if its not a promoted tracker
In the epic tracker, I can create epics via « + New » even if its not a promoted tracker
Make it obvious how to create a new element in a tracker
Make it obvious how to create a new element in a tracker

Git repositories

Unfortunately (or fortunately ?) on Git repositories browsing we had to make more in depth changes because we had a lot of actions/tools on the right hand side of the screen. So now, all the actions are moved on the left, near the repository title and the clone URLs appears with a click on the clone button.

Redesign of the git repository display with new Clone button
Redesign of the git repository display with new Clone button

Other improved services & pages

It would be too heavy to have a screenshot for each page that changed in 12.0. In the following list, most of the changes were driven by the need to remove what was on the right of the screen to avoid overflow of the new floating button. We let you discover the refreshed look of the tool bar in:

  • Tuleap Test Management
  • Subversion plugin
  • Mediawiki
  • News

Integration with Jenkins: report test results and commit status to Tuleap

Jenkins tuleap-api plugin now exposes two pipeline steps to ease feedback from Jenkins to Tuleap:

  • tuleapNotifyCommitStatus: will report the build status (passed/failed) for a given commit id. This is then used in the Pull Request interface to display whether the PR pass the CI or not.
  • tuleapSendTTMResults: will report automated tests results to Test Management (deprecate usage of ttm binary)

Create « full artifact » in Kanban

« Add new task » new primary button on Kanban

In addition to the well known « + » button, there is now a « Add new … » primary button that opens the full artifact modal window to allow the creation of an artifact with all its fields.

This change has two main advantages for Kanban users:

  • For new comers, the big primary button (orange background) makes clear that things can be created.
  • For advanced users, they can choose to create « light activities » with only a title or the full artifact.
Artifact modal to create a full artifact
Artifact modal to create a full artifact

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