Background image everywhere in your project, site administrator message of the day and a tech preview!


Background images

Project’s background images are now displayed in all pages. If you already configured one, there is nothing else to do, the image will be displayed everywhere. If it’s not already the case, it’s time to switch !

In order to display the image in all services in the most consistent manner we had to re-layout some services page.

Background image in Git service
Background image in Git service
Background image in Artifact view
Background image in Artifact view
Background image in Document
Background image in Document

Site message of the day

Site administrators have an handy way to communicate to end user with a platform banner (aka Message Of The Day, MOTD). When the administrator activates the banner, the message will be displayed to all users on all pages of the platform.

There are three level of message « standard », « warning » and « critical » with a different color so you should be able to make your point.

Users can hide the message by clicking on the cross on the right hand side. However if the message is modified the banner will appear again.

For site administrators, the configuration is in « Global Configuration » section of the side bar.

Display of Platform Banner on project dashboard
Collapsed Platform Banner is displayed with the megaphone icon next to "+ New" button
Collapsed Platform Banner is displayed with the megaphone icon next to « + New » button
Site administrator interface to configure the platform banner
Site administrator interface to configure the Platform Banner

Feature preview: List Picker for artifacts

Since a few releases we are backing a deep transformation of the way « lists fields » are rendered in Artifact views. The goal is to make them look more consistent and to improve usability when there are a lot of values.

This new component is applied on « Select box » and « Multi Select Box » fields and make the list searchable by default.

But it really shines for multi select box as it makes the cherry picking way more efficient (and easier when it comes to deselecting a value). In addition to that, the selected values are more readable.

As system administrator, you can activate the feature with:

tuleap config-set feature_flag_use_list_pickers_in_trackers_and_modals 1

Keep in mind that it’s still under development so if things goes bad you can revert by setting the feature flag to 0.

Final word: the feature do not work on IE11 or Edge Legacy. With those browsers you will fallback to original lists fields. Keep in mind that you will no longer be able to access Tuleap with IE11 or Edge Legacy after December 31st 2020.

New list Picker component in artifact view
New list picker component in artifact view
Multi select box field
Multi select box field

Deprecation: move out Subversion Core

As announced last release, we enter in an active phase out of some legacy services. In 12.2, it’s Subversion Core that is actively promoted as a deprecated service (all Subversion pages have a dedicated message for that) and we provide the means for an easy migration.

If not already done, site administrator must install and activate SVN Plugin, then each project administrator is autonomous to do the migration. The migration is done in place, that is to say the URLs will not change. In case of trouble there is a way back, check the deployment guide.

Subversion migration panel in SVN Plugin

Bugs and requests

There was 65 bugs fixed and requests implemented during 12.2 release cycle. Bugs and security fixes were already backported on Tuleap Enterprise builds. You will find below a selection of the most notable fixes.



User experience


  • request #17909 Cannot display an artifact affected by only one workflow transition rule
  • request #17533 Workflow doesn’t apply in modal creation


  • request #17914 allow ttm to browse nested testsuite
  • request #17877 Fatal error on confirmation page after user registration
  • request #17537 Remove hardcoded ellipsis of cell titles
  • request #17883 Authenticating to a OIDC provider set as unique authentication source should be direct when the homepage is accessible to anonymous users

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