Days are getting hotter, so do our R&D developments 🔥 : new upgraded MediaWiki, Tuleap Query Language (TQL) with search on Artifact Links, Artifacts creation as artifacts links… and more.
Go check it all out in the release note of Tuleap 14.10 here below.

Welcome to new MediaWiki

It’s been cooking for a while now and it is now ready for prime time, let’s introduce the new MediaWiki 🎉.

A MediaWiki page with Visual Editor
A MediaWiki page with Visual Editor

🤝 The MediaWiki upgrade is the result of a nice technical collaboration with the German organization Hallo Welt GmbH, our brand new company partner. Specialized for the Wikipedia software MediaWiki and behind the open-source enterprise wiki software BlueSpice, Hallo Welt GmbH has played an important role since the beginning of our partnership in building and beta-testing the MediaWiki’s integration points with Tuleap.

In short, everything changed while still being MediaWiki. The most visible change and the huge gain in term of usability is Visual Editor, the WYSIWYG interface for page editing. You no longer need to look for custom markup for most if not all changes. Hardcore lovers of the MediaWiki syntax will, of course, still be able to do the raw edition.

Under the hood is where most of the work was done. Integrating such a « monster » software is definitively a challenge, especially when it comes to visual integration. The original integration was made on a terrible, hackish, design that lead to … not being able to upgrade anything during 7 years. As technology evolves, we found new ways for the integration and thanks to the flexibility of MediaWiki Skin management we were able to fully integrate MediaWiki as a standalone application. It means that when you click on « MediaWiki » link, you are no longer « in » Tuleap (no Tuleap code actually runs) despite the look’n feel being almost indistinguishable from « real » Tuleap.

This strategy will allow us to manage more easily the upgrades and inclusion of various extensions. Upgrade to MediaWiki 1.39 is already in the pipe.

For now, the new upgraded MediaWiki is available for new projects or projects that never used MediaWiki before. The migration process for existing instance of MediaWiki is being polished. Stay tuned!

TQL on fire 🔥 with search on Artifact Links

Looking for all the requirements not covered by tests? Or tests that don’t cover requirements? Or all the tasks not attached to a user story? Tuleap Query Language (TQL) is your new best friend!

It’s now possible to express conditions about the nature of artifact links, with types in TQL queries. The generic form goes like


The goal of the release note is not to go deep into the details about all the possibilities. All expressions are fully described in the documentation. But we thought that dealing with artifact links direction (forward, backward) as well as types comes with a complexity we wanted to smoothen.

Hence, we have added a bunch of aliases:

  • Want all stories that have children? use WITH CHILDREN is your friend (instead of IS LINKED TO WITH TYPE '_is_child')
  • Want all tasks that have parents? use WITH PARENTS (instead of IS LINKED FROM WITH TYPE '_is_child')
  • Want all tests that are covering user stories? use IS COVERING
  • Want all stories not covered by tests? use IS NOT COVERED

Last but not least, all those new expressions are also available when running Cross Tracker Search.

Example of a TQL query on a tracker
Looking for user stories not covered by tests

Create artifacts as artifact links

Management of artifact links in the Artifact Modal made a long way and it comes to an end. Last year, links were a bunch of comma separated list of artifact ID and we thought we might do better 🙂

We have progressively introduced a better display of links, the ability to search for them, to easily manipulate the type and direction and… in this release, we are introducing the final stage of the rework: the ability to create new artifacts.

We made a quick video to showcase the brand-new feature:

Create an artifact as artifact link

Update of supported browsers versions

From time to time, we need to update the minimum supported version of browsers. The two main objectives are performances and security. Performances because by dropping older versions, we can ship smaller assets (javascript & css downloaded when you go on a page). Smaller assets are downloaded & parsed faster. On the security side of the fence, using older (unsupported) browsers exposes users to major threats that would defeat all the work we do to improve Tuleap security.

New minimum targets are Firefox 102 ESR and Chrome (and alike: Chromium, Edge, …) 103.

Bugs and requests

There were 31 bugs fixed and requests implemented during the 14.10 release cycle. Bugs and security fixes were already back-ported on Tuleap Enterprise builds. You will find below a detailed list of fixes. The most notable ones are in bold.


  • #32278 Removed project admin restricted users are not remove at project visibility switch


  • #32313 & is saved as & in open list value
  • #31939 Wrong order of the followups comments in artifact modal

Backlog (Scrum AgileDashboard)

  • #32311 Remove feature flag hiding compute modes of the burnup


  • #32317 Fix fatal error on Kanban when creating an item with the modal
  • #32296 Sort on kanban doesn’t work well with filter

Program management

  • #32288 Custom names for the Program Increment and the Interation are not displayed on the Program administration page


  • #32270 Do not retrieve tags or heads in the Git tree browser controller
  • #32294 git: 2.40.1 -> 2.41.0

Project administration

  • #31949 Adding / removing a project administrator must be logged

Site wide

  • #32295 Do not activate all installed plugins in the Docker images by default
  • #32272 Remove SOAP API
  • #32303 Update our base Docker image to RockyLinux 9.2
  • #32293 Ensure temporary directory is created with the appropriate rights
  • #32289 LDAP default user sync have a wrong check for users with long names

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