Here’s some news of our R&D team to brighten up the grey November weather đŸŒ€ïž Check out the latest developments, enhancements and bug fixes in the short release note of Tuleap 15.2 hereunder.

Sidebar: aggregated and parent projects

Sidebar continues to transform itself. We give you a bit of rest in this release with only one modification 😉

For projects that are using Program Management, the display of the list of aggregated projects (such as Scrum Teams for SAFe trains) is improved.

A SAFe Train workspace with five aggregated projects displayed in the sidebar
Display of aggregated projects in the Sidebar

We took the opportunity to improve the usage when there are a lot of aggregated projects. If there are more than five, they are now displayed in a popup menu accessible with a click.

A SAFe Train workspace with six aggregated projects displayed in a popup menu
The list of projects when there are a lot of them

Drop support of MySQL 5.7

MySQL 5.7 is no longer maintained upstream, hence Tuleap will refuse to start if it detects a MySQL version lesser than 8.0. If you ever face this issue, it’s time to run the upgrade procedure.

Bugs and requests

There were 53 bugs fixed and requests implemented during the 15.2 release cycle. Bugs and security fixes were already back-ported on Tuleap Enterprise builds. You will find below a detailed list of fixes. The most notable ones are in bold.


  • #35061 MediaWiki: 1.35.11 -> 1.35.13


  • #35069 Skip technical users in tracker notifications
  • #34713 Selected open list value not displayed in Artifact Modal


  • #34748 Remove Scrum Mono-milestone feature

Test management

  • #35058 TTM cannot add new test to campaign
  • #35065 Do not export whole artifact definition in TTM execution


  • #35075 No longer possible to create a new version of embedded document
  • #35081 Cannot set default status on folder
  • #35090 Document global modal error is not displayed
  • #35088 REST Error in Document metadata modal is not shown to users
  • #35077 doc #xxx cross-references must redirect to the new UI

Full text search

  • #34750 Cannot start meilisearch server on el9 when database is on localhost

Import from Jira

  • #34751 Jira mono-tracker Kanban must be promoted

Git & Pull Requests

  • #35096 CodeMirror keeps expanding itself indefinitely
  • #34709 Syntax hightlight Fortran files


  • #35079 Unable to add time via personal timetracking widget


  • #34401 Non unique LDAP ids no longer take suspended and deleted users into account

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