What’s better than Tuleap enhancements and new developments to get off to a good start?! 🤩
Check out the first release note of the year to discover what’s in store for you this month.
Releases and Iterations in Sidebar
The central theme for all the work we have done around the workspace organisation and the sidebar in 2023 is to make it more business oriented, less tools driven. The last evolution in this area is to bring releases and iterations (actually any kind of backlog milestones) in the sidebar.

There are multiple goals to this change. First of all, newcomers should feel more confortable because they are exposed to concrete and precise terms instead of generic words. For instance when you reach the « Pet Clinic » project showcased in the previous screenshot, you might not know about the term « Backlog » but it’s likely that you are already familiar with the wording used by this project so « Pet Clinic 1.0 », the release name, is supposed to make sense to you.
The second benefit of having current release and sprint in the sidebar is that, wherever you are in your project, you are at 1 or 2 clicks to the « heart » of the activity (what’s going on).
Of course, the display in the sidebar is not limited to « Releases » and « Sprints ». All types of milestones are supported, regardless how they are named. However, in order to fit in the sidebar we had to make choices: only the two first levels of milestones are displayed and only the first five milestones are displayed. As we lack accurate data about usage, you are welcome to talk to us if that doesn’t fit your needs.
Kanban and Tracker in Sidebar
As we are talking about feedback, you’ve been quite a lot to notice that it was a pity that both Kanban and underlying tracker could not be promoted at the same time (Kanban took the precedence). This is exactly the kind of feedback from the field that we love to receive ! So we made the change and it’s now project administrator’s call to promote Kanban, Tracker or both if that make sense in their project.

New entries in Recent Items
Recent items displayed when you click on « Switch to » (or whenever you type s
thanks to keyboard shortcuts) got two new type of recently viewed items:
- Project Dashboards
- Backlogs

New integration: Golang & CLI
Thanks to Guilhem Bonnefille from CS Group, two new project got launched to ease interaction of golang ecosystem with Tuleap API.
The first project, Go Tuleap, is a library that offers a Go API for Tuleap REST end point. As of today it focuses on the « heart » of Tuleap: projects, users, groups and trackers/artifacts but it can be extended quite easily (contributions are welcomed).
The second project, Tuleap CLI, showcases the use of Go Tuleap library to make an convenient command line tool to interact with Tuleap API. It offers a high level access to the API without having to do the heavy lifting with loops around curl calls.
Many thanks to Guilhem for the work on those two projects and to CS Group for having open sourced them !
Bugs and requests
There were 38 bugs fixed and requests implemented during the 15.4 release cycle. Bugs and security fixes were already back-ported on Tuleap Enterprise builds. You will find below a detailed list of fixes. The most notable ones are in bold.
- #35490 Disallow deactivation of Tracker service when dependant services are in use
- #35504 Date formatter adds 1 year in some dates
- #35493 A Git tag named « 0 » produces null in PHP
Document management
- #35465 Docman error when accessing a document in default template
MediaWiki Standalone
- #35512 MediaWiki Standalone doesn’t work in Docker image
- #35108 Duplicated user entry in MediaWiki database
- #35494 Display empty notifications in SVN admin
- #35475 LDAP daily synchronization does not add project members anymore
Docker images
- #35463 Do not install weak dependencies in the Docker image