Implementing agility at scale with SAFe®
Scaling agile at enterprise level, especially with SAFe®, has become fundamental for large organizations seeking to re-align teams around a common goal. Tuleap allows you to deploy the SAFe framework and practices to really implement agility at scale!
Being more responsive to market evolutions and aligning everyone to the overall business strategy: here are the top priorities of the leaders of the largest organizations, whether public or private ones. SAFe® continues to establish itself as the leading agility framework at scale, with 37% utilization rate in 2021.
But let’s keep in mind that scaling agile embodies first and foremost a change in the corporate culture and organizational structure. Once the enterprise’s employees have embraced this new mindset, Tuleap Enterprise Agile Planning tools (EAP) boosts your organisation’s performance.

Share the business strategy and bring teams closer together around a common goal

Thanks to enterprise agile planning and synchronization tools, you can align all your teams to the overall business strategy.
With Tuleap, all teams remain focused on the progress of their project while having the impression of moving forward hand in hand with the other teams.
Dashboards, Roadmap, synchronization at ART (Agile Release Train) and Teams (teams) level… Tuleap offers all the SAFe tools to ensure real overall cohesion and refocus the entire organization around a common strategy: for true business agility.
Build trust and empower teams by giving them shared work environment and autonomy
Allowing teams to self-organize is at the very heart of the SAFe® method. Actually, although all features are set at the ART level, the User Stories are defined at the team level. Optimize all your SAFe® improvement levers thanks to Tuleap tools:
- Empowerment: teams are responsible for defining and picking up their tasks as well as for estimating the workload and effort needed to accomplish them
- Trust: teams have to reach a precise goal, but they are free to chose how to make it through!

Synchronization and visualization at hand, at all level
To get started easily with agile at scale, Tuleap provides ready-to-use templates for Essential SAFe. With multi-project backlogs and automatic synchronization, Tuleap allows a complete visualization:
- Schedule User Stories at Teams level …
- … And find them in the Program Backlog, associated with the corresponding Feature, scheduled in its Program Increment
- Define the elements of the Roadmap to display and follow all the projects in parallel, for a complete overview
Scaling agile without SAFe… with Tuleap too!
To launch an agile transformation and scale up agile, you can choose whether SAFe® or other agile at scale methods (LeSS, Scrum of Scrum…) that best adapt to your organization. As an example, for the French government’s VITAM Program, Scrum of Scrum helped build an app to manage large volumes of data.

Thanks to Tuleap, we have orchestrated several Scrum teams and delivered 3 major versions in 4 years.
Thierry Devillechabrolle, Technical DevOps Architect for the Vitam Program, Ministry of the Armed Forces