New Tuleap TaskBoard (Tuleap Enterprise Edition only)
A new tool has been cooking internally for a few months and today Tuleap team is happy to announce that the next generation of Agile and Scrum Board (cardwall) is ready for prime time 🎉
The new Tuleap TaskBoard is designed to bring forward Scrum and other agile approaches in Tuleap. The foundation of the work is to align the look’n feel with what is already available in Tuleap Kanban so both can work better together. But that’s far from being the only or even the bigger enhancement.
During those years of usage, we’ve learned what was required for an effective digital board for Scrum: it must be attractive, it must be fast and common operations should be at hand. Thus Tuleap TaskBoard comes with the following new capabilities:
- A design aligned with Tuleap Kanban Boards.
- The ability to update common fields directly on board : remaining effort, title.
- The display of story progress per story in the form of a progress bar (as already done in the planning view).
- Columns can now be collapsed to save space. This is a user preference, per board.
- Drag’n drop of cards to change status, even in collapsed columns, and/or priority (order inside a given column).
- The ability to create new tasks on-the-fly directly on the board, as in the Kanban.
- All Done or Closed activities can be automatically hidden to keep track easier on remaining work.
On the tech side, we leverage current effective technologies as Vue.js and TypeScript to make most of asynchronous loading. Regarding performances, we work so that the Tuleap TaskBoard can support numerous items: up to 1200 cards and 200 “swimlanes”. At the moment, one thing is not available: the edition of the cards with the full-blown modal.
Please note that this is the first public release of the Tuleap TaskBoard. People used with the previous “Cardwall” might see some gaps and depending on their usage, might prefer to stick with it.
That said, for most usage and especially for new comers, Tuleap Taskboard is the way to go.
Reviewers and notifications on Pull Requests
Pull Requests authors can ask pairs to review their work. Those people will now get notified by email and can receive updates about the Pull Request lifecyle until merge or abandon.
As of today, Pull Requests authors and reviewers can get notifications on the following actions:
- Push in branch
- Global comments on the request
- Merge or abandon of the request
- When a reviewer is added
Notifications on “in-line” comments will be added in the next release. Stay tuned!
Major Bugs and requests
- request #14126 Update default TLS configurations
Other requests
- request #12832 Support Azure AD as an OpenID Connect provider
- request #13968 Drop support of Gerrit before 2.8
- request #14206 Add syntax highlighting for CMake files in the Git web browsing view
- request #13671 Enable use of tuleap tracker fields in Mylyn commit template variables (more details in ➡️ documentation )