On the menu this month: deeper integration with GitLab and under the hood work on artifact hierarchy. Check out Tuleap 12.5

Watch the release note in video


Integration with GitLab Merge Requests

Following last month introduction to the first stage of the Gitlab integration, we’re thrilled to announce Tuleap 12.5 comes with management of Merge Requests and bi-directional links.

You’ve made a bunch of commits (not too much, of course 🙄) and you are ready to face your peers in the gentle art of glorified code review. Not only will you please the Software Engineering gods; but you can now please the Process gods too by referencing your Task, User Story and Requirement in your Merge Request. By adding a reference like TULEAP-1234 you ensure the full traceability between the requirement and the code artifact (merge request). And no kittens get sacrificed.

New cross reference "Gitlab Merge Request"
New cross reference “GitLab Merge Request”
GitLab Merge Request
A GitLab Merge Request

Tuleap bot in GitLab

Even better, you will have the full traceability from GitLab back to Tuleap thanks to a bot 🤖. The bot will add a comment to reference the Tuleap artifact in the Merge Request discussion thread.

GitLab has two types of token, either personal access token or a project access token. Personal access token is always available. Project access token depends on your setup (OnPrem or Cloud) and your support plan. When possible, project token should be preferred because all actions will be done on the behalf of the project. Otherwise it will be done on the behalf of the individual who created the integration. That might be cumbersome.

Tuleap Bot creates a reference on GitLab
Tuleap Bot creates a reference on GitLab

More flexible artifact parent / child in trackers

Sometimes, doing import from another tool is an opportunity to improve yourself. And that’s what is happening with the “on going” work to import Jira projects. Long story short, we saw the opportunity to free all constraints on what can be a child for an artifact.

What was the Tracker Hierarchy ?

Until now, parent/child relationship between artifacts was driven by the “Tracker Hierarchy”. For instance you defined that “User Story” tracker is parent of “Task”. And then, auto-magically, all tasks linked to stories were children. It was possible for a parent to have several children. User Story parent of Task and Bug. But one child could only have one parent. For instance, it was not possible to break down a Bug in Tasks.

This limitation is gone 🥳

A world without Hierarchy

With Tuleap 12.5, any artifact can be a child of any other (except itself of course), without having to modify the Tracker Hierarchy. That’s great, but chances are that you won’t notice it in day to day.

Why? Because the Scrum Agile Dashboard & the Triggers still rely on the Tracker Hierarchy for its configuration. That means:

  • The children that you can create on a backlog item (e.g. a User Story) is still driven by the hierarchy
  • Planning configuration (release planning, sprint planning, etc) is also driven by the hierarchy

So, as long as you are using the Agile Dashboard (Planning, Cardwall, Taskboard) this doesn’t change a thing for you.

For those who play the artifact game

However, if you start playing with artifact & links themselves you can do anything you want. The most important thing to have in mind is that there is no longer a parent/child automatic linking.

For instance, before Tuleap 12.5, with User Stories parent of Tasks: you could go in a Task artifact in tracker service and add a link to a User Story. Under the hood, Tuleap was actually turning the link inside out. So the User Story (not the Task) was updated to link toward the Task as a child.

This behavior is no longer running on Tuleap. From now on, the rule of thumb is:

  • whenever you want to add an artifact as a child of another one, you must update the Parent
  • and the link must be of type “Child”
A user story broken down in tasks (as per hierarchy) bugs and even a sub-story
Flexible hierarchy in Taskboard
A user story broken down in tasks (as per hierarchy) bugs and even a sub-story
A user story broken down in tasks (as per hierarchy) bugs and even a sub-story

Bugs and requests

There were 70 bugs fixed and requests implemented during 12.5 release cycle. Bugs and security fixes were already back port on Tuleap Enterprise builds. You will find below a selection of the most notable fixes.


The latter is the more likely to have an impact on end users. Teams that are leveraging the ability for Subversion to serve HTML pages are affected. The “feature” is permanently disabled as it’s a way to deploy malicious pages under Tuleap domain name. That is to say this malicious content can hijack a Tuleap user account.

Project Creation


  • request #19244 Git branch selector cannot show multiple branches referencing the same commit
  • request #19216 Git repository view is broken when their is no branch master

Site wide


  • request #19205 Cannot pin artifact fieldsets anymore in the closed state
  • request #18820 Issue tracker template cross reference field has no permissions
  • request #19181 User should not be able to remove selection when <select> is disabled
  • request #18814 Embed Blackfire profiles in artifacts


  • request #19190 Bot mattermost for agile dashboard fails to retrieve the bot
  • request #18834 Sticky header of a milestone is transparent when scrolling

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