Tuleap 12.7 is mostly about Markdown with MermaidJS, but also about Jenkins and Subversion. Read on, we tell you (and show you) everything below.
Complete usage of Markdown
You can say Tuleap 12.7 is the “Markdown release” for us. We’ve had a good support of Markdown document in Tuleap Git for a while now; also, Tuleap Trackers got markdown in the previous release, but 12.7 takes a major leap forward in completeness and usability. See for yourself.
Write graphs with Mermaid
With Tuleap 12.7, anywhere you can write Markdown you can now include graphs using Mermaid. It means you can include flow charts, sequence diagram and more in Tuleap Git, in Tuleap Trackers text fields, follow-up comments and even on project dashboards with Note widget.
Mermaid in Git
Mermaid in tracker text fields
Mermaid in tracker comments
Mermaid on project dashboard
Highlight code with Prism
Just like for Mermaid, everywhere you can write Markdown, you can write code with ```lang ... ```
(where lang
is one of the 257 supported language) and let Prism do the syntax highlighting automatically.
Actually, it works at the exact same places as Mermaid does. Still, to give you an idea of the feature, here’s what it looks like in Tuleap Trackers:
Preview of rendering in Tuleap Trackers
Markdown has won the “wiki like” syntax war, and you are probably already familiar with most of the syntax. Still, when texts start to grow or when code or graphs are written, being able to review what was typed before submit is life-saving. That’s why we made a “Preview button“, now available in Artifact view and modal for text fields, comments and test steps! Check it out:
Markdown is the new text
With all this goodness, it would be too sad to hide it to users. Worst, it would be a shame to let them still use bare text in trackers text fields or comment. So, not only Markdown is the new default value for all new comments and artifacts, but text is no longer a choice in the format selection. Existing comments and text fields will remains untouched, but you can change the format if you want.
But don’t worry, users can still choose the format preference in their “preferences page” if they prefer WYSIWYG and HTML over Markdown by default.
Tuleap Pull Requests vetting by Jenkins, the easy way
Displaying Continuous Integration build status on Tuleap Pull Requests has been around for a long time. But configuration was no easy job, as it required a specific CI Token to be generated and managed in addition to the credentials required to access the source code. Tuleap API version 2.2 simplifies the process.
With Tuleap 12.7, you can now grant “update build status” permission to the user who is configured to do the clone of the sources (most of the time a dedicated “bot” account with restricted permissions). Also, you can use its access key in tuleapNotifyCommitStatus
in place of the CI Token. In addition to that, there is a new status, “Pending“, that can be set at the beginning of the pipeline to inform that there is a build in progress.
Go further by checking out the complete setup in the documentation.
Protect your server from abusive Subversion users
Subversion support of big file is good, better than git, maybe too good. So it became a pattern to push huge files in Subversion. That said, it might not be the kind of pattern a platform administrator would like to see expand because of, you know, disk space. So, with this release, we’re introducing a new configuration for Subversion to limit the size of committed files. It’s important to understand that it’s not the total size of the commit that is taken into account but each file. By default, existing platform are left untouched and new installations comes with a 50MB limit. Should a developer cross the limit, their commit will be refused. Even if it’s a modification of an existing file that was committed before the definition of the threshold.
Bugs and Requests
There were 68 bugs fixed and requests implemented during 12.7 release cycle. Bugs and security fixes were already back port on Tuleap Enterprise builds. You will find below a selection of the most notable fixes.
Agile Dashboard
- request #20147 Top Backlog Planning don’t show all story child
- request #20112 Create project from template fail if there is triggers on trackers
- request #20078 Desactivate mediawiki mleb extension
Project administration
- request #20099 Add users on project is broken when ldap is not activated
Site administration
- request #18500 Remove support of “half anonymous / half authentication mandatory” support
- request #20105 Unable to disable unique authentication method with azure ad
In addition to that there was a huge collection of changes related to the front-end (Javascript & CSS) following the end of support of IE11. The “polyfill” were removed. Polyfill are the libraries that are emulating modern Javascript features on IE11, plus the upgrade to Webpack 5 as well as the usage of Vite to build our internal libraries means that trying to open a Tuleap 12.7 with IE11 will result in a pile of garbage. A special attention and careful tests should be conducted if you are still using an unsupported browser or unsupported browser version.