This one’s a release for all teams: native support of Tuleap Pull Requests in Jenkins for DevOps, capture test execution evidence, and chatbot at project-level for easier communication between team members. Let’s dig into it!
Automatic build of Pull Requests with Jenkins
Tuleap and Jenkins now talk behind your back, but don’t worry they (mostly) have good intentions towards you.
After having configured Tuleap and Jenkins to communicate, it’s the kind of integration that you can easily forget because everything is automated. As soon as a developer creates a Tuleap Pull Request, Jenkins will be notified. The pull request will be checked out, built and the result of the build will be pushed on the Pull Request itself.
On Jenkins side, all the hard work is done by Tuleap Git Branch Source plugin. It will receive the push notification from Tuleap and then
- detects the new Pull Request (or one that is being updated),
- creates automatically the new job,
- launches the job on the Pull Request branch,
- sends back the result of the build to Tuleap.
It also works for pull requests that come from the same repository as well as for the ones that come from forks.

watch the demo video:
Test execution evidences
When the product you are working on must comply with regulations (ISO 13485, ISO 26262, SOX, etc) the quality assurance plan is key. And not only do you need to have a test plan, but you also must provide evidence that tests were executed, and the expected result was met.
Tuleap Test Management now allows to better capture test execution output, especially when tests last a long time. You can upload execution evidence (print screen, log files, software output, etc) as you go. Mark the test as paused with “Blocked” if you need to wait for a piece of equipment to generate an output or if the test is time-based.
And finally, you can tide up the comment at the end of the execution, so the result is in the best possible form to be audited.

watch the demo video:
Themes update and refresh
You will notice that the look’n feel of Tuleap changed a bit. Some changes are quite visible, as the new theme colors; some are more subtle, like all illustrations on empty states & all were homogenized; and some are in between, like rendering of the tabs.
Changes were driven by UX as well as UI needs. For instance, the theme colors were updated to have a better contrast so people that suffer from visual deficiencies better distinguish the texts and the various parts of the application. Changes on tabs on the other end are more to be in line with modern UI trends.

Chatbot at project level
It was already possible to define site-wide bots to send notifications to chat systems like Slack, or Mattermost. It’s now possible for a project to reference its own bots (incoming webhooks) that will be visible only at project level.
The notification features remained unchanged between site-wide bots and project-level bots, that is to say, git and agile dashboard notifications.

Minimal versions of Firefox, Chrome & Edge
In order to keep the generated assets at a reasonable size, so up-to-date browsers are not penalized by people/companies that don’t upgrade their browsers, we update the minimal compatible version of the browser from time to time. As for Tuleap 13.1 and as announced since spring, the minimal version is now Chrome/Edge 87 and Firefox ESR 78.1. Keep in mind that those versions are already very old. The support of chrome/edge 87 is already discontinued and the support of Firefox 78.1 ends in November. Please, upgrade!

Bugs and Requests
There were 53 bugs fixed and requests implemented during the 13.1 release cycle. Bugs and security fixes were already back-ported on Tuleap Enterprise builds. You will find below a selection of the most notable fixes.
- Timestamps in the body of emails are wrong
- Gantt chart error when an artifact does not have a start date
- Preserve line breaks for default value in text fields