Are we still allowed to say happy new year? At least, we can say happy release day! First one of the year and quite some great enhancements to be thrilled about. Let’s see what we have for you in Tuleap 13.4!
Traceability Matrix in Test Plan (Scrum Agile Dashboard)
Traceability matrix is the gold standard for Requirements traceability and, by extension, to any development that has to be audited (ISO 26262, ISO 13485, SoX, SPICE, CMM, etc). It’s a new way to prove you can capture the list of requirements for your product, and for each requirement that implies testing. In other words, once those tests are fully executed, you can capture the result of theirs executions.
Export Test Plan information to an external Word document
For formal audits (like ISO/IEC) you usually need to generate, share and archive a proof that the system was actually validated. Needless to say that it’s often complicated to generate such documents. In most organizations, it’s done by hand. A tedious job to copy/paste in gigantic word documents information typically spread over different tools.
But in 2022, the least we can do is to ease your pain. With the “Explore Test Plan” capability, it won’t be tedious anymore! How is that possible, you asked. Well, word documents are still there. But now, they are automatically generated while you sip your coffee. You’re welcome.

The Traceability matrix
At the beginning of any document, you can find a traceability matrix for the release, which shows:
- on the left hand side, the list of requirements of the release,
- for each requirement, the tests that verify their correctness,
- and for each test, the status of the last executions with associated campaign.
Not only, you can prove that your new developments are correct, but also that you didn’t introduce regression on existing features. In addition to the requirements of the release, if the Test Plan contains a non-regression-test suite, the requirements covered by this non-regression, implemented in a previous version, will be included.

Export of Release Backlog
The second section of the document is the Backlog of the release. It’s an export of the underlying artifacts: Requirements, User stories, Features, etc. It means it contains all the information: specifications with the graphs and screenshots, status as well as commit references.

Test definitions and execution results
The last section includes Test Cases. As usual, tests can either be automated or manual. The export is a blend between the Test Case and the Test Execution:
- The Test Case gives the full description of the test, the steps, and the expected results or automated tests references.
- In the Test Execution, you get the overall result (Passed, Failed, etc), the details of the steps execution (for manual tests) and the captured tests’ evidences (textual & images output).

Going (even) further with SAFe
Introducing SAFe Iterations in Tuleap Program Management™
Tuleap Program Management™ plugin (which enables SAFe implementation), is now able to manage Iterations. In SAFe, iterations are increments within a Program Increment (PI). They are created at Program (ART) level and automatically replicated in the associated Teams.
The main difference between PI and Iteration management is the work model. In Tuleap, we chose to go for a “Pull” model: User Stories that are in the backlog of a PI are supposed to be pulled by teams to their appropriate iteration. It means that, at Program level, it’s not possible to plan a User Story into an Iteration. This work should be done by each Team, in their dedicated workspace. At Program level, it’s however possible to see the stories that are already planned by teams as well as those that are still in the backlog.

Build your Portfolio with new SAFe® template
In addition to the 2 templates for implementing Essential SAFe, you can now create your Portfolio using the Portfolio SAFe template.
A SAFe portfolio aligns strategy to execution via a collection of development value streams. Operating under a common governance model, each value stream provides one or more solutions the enterprise needs to accomplish its business mission.
© Scaled Agile, Inc.
This Tuleap template aims at sharing your Portfolio Vision, collaborate on the Portfolio Canvas and manage your Portfolio Epics.
You will be able to made visible and manage Portfolio Epics (i.e, significant strategic development solutions for your organization) and span them across different Agile Release Trains.

Bugs and Requests
There were 20 bugs fixed and requests implemented during the 13.4 release cycle. Bugs and security fixes were already back-ported on Tuleap Enterprise builds. You will find below a selection of the most notable fixes.
- At the artifact creation, data shouldn’t search the last value
- On expert query, search can fail if the searched user doesn’t submitted artifact
- Send the artifact Id in webhook payload
- Changeset order returned by REST route artifact/:id/changesets could not be respected