For Tuleap 13.8 release, you’ll notice a lot of work was done for easier document management because it’s especially important for teams evolving in regulated environments. Also, for old pals of Tuleap, some updates on Baseline, and more!
Search for Documents
If you remember, two months ago, we disclosed in Tuleap 13.6 release note that we were working on a better search interface for Document. It’s now time for General Availability 🎉
So, what’s in there?
Search is accessible via the search input on the top right of your Tuleap interface. When using this input, you are searching for a match in all text properties and open the search interface. You can also decide to go straight to the search interface with the Advanced link (see screenshots down below).
By default, the search interface will propose all possible metadata as search criterion and all properties are rendered as columns.
Enforce naming conventions for Documents
When teams are working on regulatory documents (or any kind of formal documentation) they often face the need to have a general set of rules for document filenames. This is especially true when the documents are transmitted to a third party (auditor, customer, etc). In this situation, most of the time, it’s the file name of the document that is key to determining what we’re dealing with.
If it seems too abstract, to make it clear, we’re talking about files like doc12314_Project Orion_v1.0_final.pdf
refers to a unique number to identify your document in your quality management systemProject Orion
refers to the actual title of your documentv1.0_final
is a kind of tag that allows knowing, without access to the Documentation System, which version of the document you are referring to.
This is the kind of thing that Tuleap now allows enforcing via naming patterns.
NB: this is an opt-in, and customization is done, as usual, at project level.
Once the pattern is defined, the newly uploaded file documents will be automatically renamed according to the pattern. When using Documents, the creation of a new document or a new version dynamically displays a preview of the filename as it will be created (see screenshots down below).
Then when creating a new version for the document, the version name can be used and the list of previously created versions is there as a reminder of the current state of the delivery.
General availability of Baseline
Baseline plugin has been showcased for the first time during TuleapCon 2019 (yeah, a long time ago). Back then, it was mainly a proof of concept to gather feedback. Now that we got feedback, it’s time to make it open for wider use.
NB: keep in mind that the feature set is still limited, it’s kind of “Series B” of feedback.
So for newcomers, what is Baseline?
Baseline allows taking snapshots of a set of artifacts at a particular moment in time. The artifacts can continue to evolve, but the snapshot remains untouched. It’s also possible to compare the snapshots to highlight what changed.
How is that useful?
The main use case is to be able to settle on something (an agreement, a contract) and let things evolve past this point. You can still refer to the agreement (the snapshot) while the underlying elements are living. If a problem arises, let’s say you’re late in your delivery, you can generate a proof of change (comparison of snapshots) to highlight that 70% of the requirements changed between the agreement and the review.
Test execution Document
Since Tuleap 13.4, it’s possible to generate a .docx document out of a Test Plan or a generic Test Campaign. This document contains the traceability matrix (requirements to test executions), the details of the backlog, tests, and tests executions.
However, until now, one piece of information was missing at test execution level: who did this and when. As it’s something that is often required by regulations, it’s now part of the generated document.
Docker images improvements
The documentation about Docker images usage was reorganized to make it clearer what are the configuration options at container initialization.
There are also two new options there:
- Ability to inject site administrator email
- Declare an extra Certification Authority (CA)
See the documentation for details.
Bugs and requests
There were 61 bugs fixed and requests implemented during the 13.8 release cycle. Bugs and security fixes were already back-ported on Tuleap Enterprise builds. You will find below a selection of the most notable fixes.
- #26408 Import of jira issue link types with not supported characters
- #26403 Jira server worklog doesn’t have accountId
- #26396 Jira server username and key might not be aligned
- #26400 Jira project import should not stop when artifact link type creation fails
- #26394 Jira names should be escaped in JQL
- #26384 Search for Jira Boards is not compatible with Jira Server
- #26377 Jira import of issueLinkType should not have double slash
- #26379 error when try to change the user story status on a release card wall board
- #26362 Rename ‘Cardwall’ link on kanban cards of the plugin home to ‘Kanban board’
Site wide
- #26410 Project registration crash when the graph on trackers plugin is not available
- #26398 Rename user: database existence is not check before changes
- #26382 User rename from api doesn’t check new username validity
- #25726 Change Tuleap behavior for unix users
- #26363 Drop the temporary flag allowing to keep the ‘Projects…’ label for ‘Switch to…’ menu
- #26405 spelling mistake ‘selectionnées” in selectbox field admin
- #26043 Selection of artifact in modal V1 can be broken