Here we are. It’s time to reset Tuleap counters to zero 🥳
The new cycle of Tuleap 15.0 starts off with first major changes in Tuleap navigation, to offer a better UX/UI, and ongoing work on Pull Request. Discover all this, in the release note hereunder and… happy fall!

Farewell AgileDashboard and welcome to Backlog & Kanban

It’s been cooking since the beginning of the summer and it’s there: AgileDashboard is gone to let the place to Backlog and Kanban services/tools.

New Backlog service landing page
New Kanban service landing page

For new users (the main target of this change) it should be straightforward. However for long-time user, this might change some habits so we have released a dedicated blog post to detail all the changes and the frequently asked questions.

Why did we do this change ?

The Tuleap Service called AgileDashboard was misleading or could be misinterpreted.

First, it was the only Service in Tuleap to actually cover two scopes. There was the Backlog scope and the Kanban scope. It mostly made sense back in time because it was all “Agile stuff” but in the end it was hard to grasp for newcomers.

Second, the term AgileDashboard was a problem itself because of Agile and because of Dashboard (that start to make a strong case for its removal). Agile was a problem because it doesn’t qualify exactly what Agile it is (Scrum, Kanban, XP, SAFe, etc). And Dashboard was a problem because we already have other kinds of dashboards (Personal & Project dashboards).

Finally, our user research showed that “AgileDashboard homepage” was little to not used at all.

It’s only the beginning

As shown in the blog post video, the side bar will evolve a lot in the next releases. Stay tuned !

Use markdown in Pull Requests

The title should speak for itself. It’s now possible to use markdown everywhere in Pull Requests:

  • In the main comment (previously description)
  • In the file comments
  • In the overview
  • In the change view
Preview of a pull request description formatted with markdown
Preview of a Pull Request description formatted with markdown
Usage of markdown during the review of files
Usage of markdown during the review of files

There is a convenient recall of the available syntax as well as a preview available prior to submit.

Markdown syntax helper
Markdown syntax helper

This should help to build more elaborate (hence useful) comments in the review process.

Removal of deprecated stuff

This release is also the opportunity to clear some of the very, very old stuff:

  • #34015 Drop support of management of system users and groups
  • #33976 ForumML EOL
  • #33995 Mailman EOL
  • #33997 Drop support of CVS

Age by itself is not the problem, it’s more what’s behind those pieces that was problematic. From a functional standpoint. It was time to let CVS go, almost anything (except maybe cp .bak and rcs) is better than CVS and the tooling itself starts to disappear (no longer shipped in RHEL9 for instance). Mailman (and mailing list) are now replaced by Enterprise Chat, plus it’s a nightmare to configure properly. And finally the management of users and groups (already off on new installations since 6+ years) are features from another time. This greatly improves the security of the system (less dependencies) and ease the burden of maintenance.

Bugs and requests

There were 41 bugs fixed and requests implemented during the 15.0 release cycle. Bugs and security fixes were already back-ported on Tuleap Enterprise builds. You will find below a detailed list of fixes. The most notable ones are in bold.


  • #34029 Remove HTML tags from translated strings in Title, Description and Initial effort semantics
  • #34004 Field used in assignee semantic must be more visible
  • #33999 in tracker printer version a js error is thrown
  • #33994 Double linkification of references when “purifying” content in light mode

Program management

  • #33984 Program Timeframe semantic configuration must check datetime format
  • #34033 Program service should be available even without DB entry


  • #33987 Roadmap widget does not fold/unfold correctly


  • #34014 Git references are no more well extracted

Import from Jira

  • #34000 Jira mono-tracker shortname must be “issue”

System & upgrade process

  • #34021 ForgeUpgrage buckets might not be executed when they come from a not yet enabled plugin
  • #34022 `tuleap config-set` should accept spaces in the value

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