😎 Heat up your projects with Tuleap 15.11 this August! Enhancements include new image handling capabilities in Artidoc, a brand new PDF export feature.

Tech preview: images in Artidoc

Work on Artidoc continues. Most of the work involves expanding editing capabilities (watch this space for more updates soon), but this part is mainly technical experimentation. However, the good old editor still received an update to support image copy-pasting (or drag-and-drop). The editing capabilities are now on par between Artidoc and regular Artifact views.

An Artidoc with a cute puppy image
An Artidoc with an image

Tech preview: export to PDF with companies templates

The ability to export documents in Tuleap has been available for a while with the Document Generation plugin. Since its inception, the first question asked has been, “How can I use my company’s template?”. Unfortunately, it’s hard, and even though we know people already do it with Tuleap REST APIs, our investigations show that we cannot use the same approach in Tuleap without security or licensing issues.

However, docx is not the only format we can use for export. PDF is much more flexible, especially when combined with the browser’s ability to print as PDF. That’s the strategy we chose : let admins define templates using HTML and CSS and apply those templates to produce PDFs.

The export to PDF options is accessible in the three dot menu at the top of Artidoc
Export an Artidoc to PDF

We decided to start with Artidoc export. With this first release, admins can define global styling (colors, fonts, etc.).

Example of a document with custom titles in Orange
General styling allows to define global typographic rules for the document (fonts, colors, etc)

In the next releases we are going to introduce : front page, headers and footers with support of images. When the template will be complete, we are going to add the PDF export to places where there is a docx export as of today.

Bugs and requests

During the 15.11 release cycle, 42 bugs fixed and requests implemented. Bugs and security fixes were already back-ported on Tuleap Enterprise builds. You will find below a detailed list of fixes. The most notable ones are in bold.


  • #38675 Recursive permissions to document manager folder are not properly applied – CVE-2024-39902 – Criticity Medium (CVSSv3.1 score: 4.8/10)
  • #38306 Enable Rocky Linux Security SIG repo on container images


  • #38642 Warn user when artifacts deletion is blocked in tracker admin
  • #38628 Lazybox multiple selection is no more displayed properly
  • #38647 store tracker_changeset_value_int value as BIGINT

Program Management

  • #38616 Detailed error message is missing in the error modal of the Program service

Document Generation

  • #38668 All dates in the exported XLSX documents are moved to UTC TZ


  • #38683 Checkbox “Apply permissions to all sub-items” should be reset


  • #38615 Allow ONLYOFFICE to download multiple times an item


  • #38690 viewvc diff view is broken
  • #38691 Broken breadcrumb in viewvc file view

Site wide

  • #38624 BurningParrot should have basic CSS rules for print

System admin

  • #38649 Move from XZ to ZSTD to compress RPM packages
  • #38686 Reduce RPM compression zstd compression level
  • #38670 Replace “gotohell” script with /bin/true
  • #38666 `worker_events` metric is always empty
  • #38314 Force bind tuleap-realtime on the IPv4 stack

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