Look and feel: one step closer to Burning Parrot theme
- story #9700: unify FlamingParrot and BurningParrot navbars
- story #9839 and story #9848: Bootstrap TLP theme
- story #9892: notify user groups in SVN
Integration with Bugzilla
- story #9770: cross references between Tuleap and Bugzilla
Bugzilla is a bug tracker tool. With this new plugin, you can reference and update Bugzilla tickets from Tuleap.
Distributed Tuleap
Still under active development, [check out the documentation for an early deployment]({{ site.data.contact.uri.tuleap_doc.uri }}/administration-guide/distributed-tuleap.html).
- story #10129: have packages for Distributed Tuleap
- story #9651: PUT/POST /artifacts/:id with ALv2 natures
Bug fix
In addition to that, 46 requests were integrated.