SleepInnov Technology is a high-tech company that develops medical devices for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with respiratory complications (sleep apnea, obstructive pulmonary disease, etc.). Their products are intended for healthcare professionals, commercialized in France and internationally. Thanks to Tuleap, SleepInnov has set up processes to ensure traceability and consistency at each step of the development of its medical devices.
Their results with Tuleap
4x More efficiency in project management
Standardizing processes ensures consistency at every stage of software development
1 tool, many uses
A tool that brings together project teams and technical teams.
More value and better ROI
Cost-effectiveness of a flexible, scalable product with an SLA of this level.
Testimony of Nicolas GAIFFE, Software Development Manager at Sleepinnov Technology
Nicolas GAIFFE, Software Developement Manager, is responsible for Sleepinnov Technology’s software development. In this article, he explains why and how Sleepinnov uses Tuleap.
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