To encourage the digital transformation of the Ministry of Armed Forces (MinArm) of the French Government, it was necessary to provide teams with a project management solution supporting more advanced project management and agile approaches. After a three-year investigation, the Minarm has chosen Tuleap since it actually includes very flexible agile tools. Today, 5.000 people at MinArm are going agile on their own way.
♖ Challenge
In the context of the digital transformation, providing teams with a secured intranet workspace encompassing agile tools that support more advanced and agile approaches.
★ Solution
- Tuleap Enterprise Edition on-premises with high-security, enclosed network
- Administrators team training to ensure the level 1 support for internal users
✔ Results
Digital sovereignty
of the Ministry of Armed Forces and autonomy in maintaining its Tuleap infrastructure
Centralised agile solution
to meet both the variety of project management needs and the different work processes requirements
5 000 agents manage their projects with Tuleap
providing high security and confidentiality standards
The scope: an inevitable digital transformation to achieve 3 strategic goals
As stated by the French Directorate General for Digital, Information and Communication Systems (DGNum), digital technology is at the very heart of both military capabilities and their organization’s internal functioning. Digital technology strengthens the easiness, efficiency and responsiveness of the French Ministry of Armed Forces, for the collective achievement of 3 strategic goals:
- Ensuring operational superiority and information control across operational fields;
- Reinforcing support efficiency and making agents life easier on a daily basis;
- Improving the relationship with citizens and the attractiveness of the Ministry department.
The challenge: a digital transformation via the modernization of approaches and project management tools
In October 2017, the French Government launched its digital transformation plan (French ref. here) aiming to improve the quality of the services provided, as to give agents a modernized workspace and to drive public spending reduction.
In this context, the French Directorate General for Digital, Information and Communication Systems (DGNum) commissioned the French Defense Information Systems Agency (CASID) to look for an innovative solution to take up the following challenges:
- providing the Ministry agents with a modernized workspace and project management tools,
- standardizing software development tools and processes made by the Ministry, for more sustainable maintainability.
As a result of this technical investigation, the CASID pointed out Tuleap as the solution needed to accomplish these objectives.
The solution: providing a team-tailored agile solution for project management
As to validate the relevance of the solution in action, Tuleap has been deployed for 3 years with a MVP (Minimum Viable Product). This POC (Proof Of Concept) has proven both the platform reliability and its viral adoption by teams, who embraced Tuleap smoothly.
Meeting different project management needs
The Ministry of Armed Forces is the France’s leading recruiter, with a workforce of 270 000 civilian and military agents, including 20 000 people working in the digital and information systems sector. It is characterized by a large diversity of occupations with women and men operating directly on the field, above and under the sea and also air agents. Research, preparation and support to operational activities, healthcare, logistics, transports, and so on: the Ministry of the Armed Forces has a portfolio of nearly 200 jobs.
Thanks to its flexibility, Tuleap could adapt to all these different professional profiles and their specific needs. Actual leaders of the transformation, the MinArm teams this way achieved to improve their collaboration, to better structure their work and organize their projects.
Moreover, in a highly critical sector such as the Defense one, managing the need-to-know and tools access is something crucial. Tuleap meets these requirements thanks to a sophisticated access permission system, as well as to private workspaces. To minimize risks, the Ministry of the Armed Forces opted to install Tuleap on an infrastructure deployed on their own secured intranet.
Towards an ever more agile project management, for higher performance
“Concerning the management of Information Systems and Communication projects (SIC in French), there’s a major project underway and Agile methods are progressively become the rule; core occupations are and have to be the transformation leaders”. Arnaud Coustillière of the DGNUM, VAE
“The overhaul of the Ministry’s tools is linked to a methods and organizations reform, resulting into more flexible and secure solutions which can definitely keep up with the pace of digital technology.
In 2020, Agility was already adopted within the Ministry department occasionally.
The “development policy” of 2019 actually led to foster these working methods. In the short run, these approaches have to become the standard, whereas the V-model the exception.”
It is within this context that Tuleap takes part into the Agile transformation of the Ministry. Tuleap enables each MinArm team to set up their own Agility, providing highly flexible and scalable tools. This way, the ministry agents choose the most appropriate approach for their working environment, with their own agile culture.