You want to move from Jira to Tuleap. This is a good choice. You’ll be able to do so many thing in addition to project and issue tracking. To ensure a smooth migration, Tuleap enables to move your Jira projects in few minutes. Check it out.

Importing project settings and issues from Jira to Tuleap

Tuleap, the powerful Jira alternative, provides a dedicated plugin to make easy import one Jira project data and configuration to a Tuleap instance, automatically and securely. This module is available in the Tuleap Enterprise Edition.

To do so, you should need to be (or ask) a Tuleap site administrator as the feature is available in Tuleap Command Line Interface (CLI). You will have to run a command that works with Jira REST API and the Tuleap server must be able to reach the Jira server.

Jira Project Import : what will be imported

  • All Jira issue types (aka trackers in Tuleap) with all issues (artifacts in Tuleap) with their comments and history of field change,
  • The links between issues with their types (related to, duplicate, etc). This includes sub-tasks as well as epics,
  • Worklog as time tracking,
  • Board and Sprints with associated issues and backlog.

This video shows how easy is the migration. Read the Tuleap documentation for more details.

Moving Jira issues only?

Importing an entire Jira project is a capability available only in Tuleap Enterprise Edition. Moving a single issue type with its issues and history is available in the Tuleap Community Edition as well. To see how to deal with it, check out our complementary article about moving tickets from Jira Software.

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