Continuous Software Development: automate the workflow
Git or SVN at scale
- Get an unlimited number of repositories per project
- Link commits back to issues, specs and deliveries
- Browse and diff code online
- Improve traceability by forcing references in commit messages
- Trigger Jenkins builds on commit
- Web hook on Git push
- Get email notifications

Facilitate online code reviews

Pull Request: get started with code review
- Customize your workflow from basic to advanced
- Create requests across branches in the same repository
- Create requests from a personal fork
- Comment in files reviewed
- Comment requests globally
- Create cross-references to a pull request from any other Tuleap item
- Integrate with Jenkins to find out whether tests passed on the code to integrate
- Get a dedicated dashboard to follow-up pull request status
- Rebase and squash options
Connector to Gerrit: easier to manage
- One-click Gerrit project creation with defaults that keep you productive
- Automatic data replication from Gerrit to Tuleap
- Tuleap user management synch with Gerrit

Integrated with other tools

Tuleap <-> Jenkins
Automate code integration continuously to catch errors early.
- Manage automated tests and monitor results with Tuleap Test Management
- Trigger build automatically when an artifact status is changed
- Create user groups in Tuleap and replicate them into Jenkins
- Make your user authentication easier and more secure using Tuleap as a OIDC or OAuth2 server
- Automate job management using Tuleap integration with Jenkins Organization Folder to eliminate the manual process
To go even further, you can orchestrate actions into Tuleap writing your own Jenkins jobs.

Tuleap <-> Gitlab
The Tuleap GitLab integration allows you to connect to any GitLab instance, in the cloud or on-premises.
- Reference Tuleap artifacts in your Gitlab commit messages – or in merge requests or branch- and conversely. A forward and backward traceability.
- Import and synchronize Gitlab Groups in Tuleap to keep consistency in tools
- Create Gitlab branches or pull requests from Tuleap
- Close automatically Tuleap artifacts from a Gitlab commit message
REST APIs and Webhooks
Leverage the power of Tuleap REST APIs and webhooks to automate a very large number of actions
For exemple, when a Git push occurs, a webhook is triggered to Stackstorm that creates automatically new items directly into Tuleap.
Or, when all tasks of a release get the status “done”, the artifact of the release is set to “ready to be delivered”. A build is sent automatically to Stackstorm that deploy the new version using Ansible and once done, update the release artifact to “deployed” into Tuleap.
Code and Reviews connected to tasks… and more
Bring more efficiency by connecting branches, commits, and pull requests to Tuleap Tracker issues. Just work and Tuleap automatically links all work items backward and forward.